downshifter △ ordonnance d'Elvyra.

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downshifter △ ordonnance d'Elvyra.
Sam 17 Sep - 10:59
downshifter △ ordonnance d'Elvyra.

nom, prénom Haiko "Elvyra" Fuyumi
âge, date 21 - 02.11
origine japonaise

groupe, suivi médical
aile c - neuroleptiques, thymorégulateurs, anticonvulsants, antidépresseurs, et benzodiazépines.
illusionist - donne la possibilité d'infiltrer la conscience d'autrui en y transférant la sienne, et la manipuler ainsi à sa guise afin de le faire assister à diverses illusions visuelles, auditives, sensorielles, etc. Permet aussi éventuellement de lire les souvenirs et de s'infiltrer dans l'inconscient. Cependant, le corps de l'utilisateur devient alors inerte puisque sa conscience ne l'habite plus, et le rend alors sans défense contre une quelconque attaque extérieure. Nécessite beaucoup de sucre en récupération.

Votre pseudo KuroiSora
Date d'inscription 03.09.16

Blabla sur vous
Ohoho, que dire. J'ai seize ans, j'aime les chats et manger, je passe mon temps à shitpost et à dessiner. Appelez-moi Sora, ou la folle aux chats, c'est pareil. Murf.~

Votre expérience dans le rpg
Ca fait quelques années que j'ai commencé à tapoter sur mon clavier, plus ou moins sept. J'ai commencé sur des forums écurie/rp animal pendant environ 4 ans, puis j'ai dérivé sur des forums rp comme celui-ci. J'adore faire des pavés qui n'ont pas de sens et avec beaucoup trop de descriptions ohoho.~

Δ  son parcours dans l'asile
Let time do his job, don't worry.~

Δ Brève présentation du personnage
Elvyra, c'est un peu la contraction d'un double paradoxe. Elle coordonne apparence impeccable et cerveau malade avec cerveau malade et âme brisée sans plus aucun espoir. Elle n'aura jamais physiquement l'air d'avoir sa place entre ces quatre murs, et ne laissera jamais rien paraître de ce qui se trame dans sa tête ; mais si vous saviez, oh si seulement, mais il n'y a qu'elle qui peut lire votre esprit aussi facilement, de vous deux. C'est une très belle femme au comportement certes variant selon son interlocuteur, mais restant globalement avenante et agréable, elle ne fait pas d'histoires et se plie en quatre quand on lui témoigne de l'intérêt. Jusqu'à ce qu'elle soit lassée du moins, ou qu'elle ai obtenu ce quelle désirait, elle vous jettera comme un résidu impropre, une expérience ratée. Même elle ne comprend pas vraiment ces choses là, ce qui se passe entre son hémisphère gauche et droit, ni toute la folie qui les remplit tous les deux.
Outre ces quelques imperfections, Elvyra fait une très bonne lectrice, artiste peintre et partenaire sexuelle.

Δ Sanctions : (laissez le champ libre pour le PNJ)
Hoi, bienvenue chez toi pnj-chan.

Dernière édition par Haiko E. Fuyumi le Sam 17 Sep - 11:28, édité 1 fois
Haiko E. Fuyumi
Messages : 13

Carnet de Santé
Haiko E. Fuyumi
Sam 17 Sep - 11:00
Re: downshifter △ ordonnance d'Elvyra.

Δ Nom/Prénom
And it is even harder to look up from this loneliness, to see how everyone else is surrounded by packs of people, and then you wonder, what you did, why it is you have gone wrong. Sometimes, the loneliness is so terrifying all you can do is rush from one party to another, anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.

Δ Nom/Prénom
And it is even harder to look up from this loneliness, to see how everyone else is surrounded by packs of people, and then you wonder, what you did, why it is you have gone wrong. Sometimes, the loneliness is so terrifying all you can do is rush from one party to another, anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.

Δ Nom/Prénom
And it is even harder to look up from this loneliness, to see how everyone else is surrounded by packs of people, and then you wonder, what you did, why it is you have gone wrong. Sometimes, the loneliness is so terrifying all you can do is rush from one party to another, anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.

Δ Nom/Prénom
And it is even harder to look up from this loneliness, to see how everyone else is surrounded by packs of people, and then you wonder, what you did, why it is you have gone wrong. Sometimes, the loneliness is so terrifying all you can do is rush from one party to another, anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.
Δ Précision sur vos autres relations :
And it is even harder to look up from this loneliness, to see how everyone else is surrounded by packs of people, and then you wonder, what you did, why it is you have gone wrong. Sometimes, the loneliness is so terrifying all you can do is rush from one party to another, anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.

Haiko E. Fuyumi
Messages : 13

Carnet de Santé
Haiko E. Fuyumi
downshifter △ ordonnance d'Elvyra.
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