~ Ordonnance d'Avril ~

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~ Ordonnance d'Avril ~
Mer 1 Juin - 23:48
~ Ordonnance d'Avril ~

nom, prénom Shitsuko Avril
âge, date 19ans, 15 Avril 1997
origine Franco Japonaise

groupe, suivi médical
Aile B ; Elle prend des médicaments pour diminuer les apparitions de sa seconde personnalité. Dans le cas où elle est en pleine "crise" elle doit s'injecter grâce à une seringue des calmants pour retourner le plus rapidement à son état normal..

Votre pseudo Lyri
Date d'inscription 26/05/2016

Blabla sur vous
Blabla..? *Hum* Et bien que dire.. Je suis à ma 1ère année de fac de médecine et je suis une addicte au thé. Sinon j'aime bien dessiner à mes heures perdues et j'ai la peau aussi douce qu'une pêche ~ !

Votre expérience dans le rpg
J'ai RP pendant 3 ou 4ans sur un forum du style fantasy il y a fort longtemps. Depuis j'ai eu une longue.. même une très longue pause et j'ai eu très envie de m'y remettre et je me suis retrouvée ici !

Δ  son parcours dans l'asile
And it is even harder to look up from this loneliness, to see how everyone else is surrounded by packs of people, and then you wonder, what you did, why it is you have gone wrong. Sometimes, the loneliness is so terrifying all you can do is rush from one party to another, anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.

Δ Brève présentation du personnage
Avril est une jeune fille plutôt solitaire, calme et qui est du genre à garder son sang-froid dans la plupart des situations. Elle se parle beaucoup à elle-même, ou plutôt, à la voix qu’elle entend dans sa tête.
La jeune fille a souvent un petit air hautain et prétentieux mais elle sait se montrer agréable et gentille pour attirer la sympathie des personnes qu’elle côtoie. En bref, elle ressent juste de l’indifférence envers les autres car tout ce qui l’intéresse, c’est elle-même. Mais elle ne cherche pas à être méchante ou violente avec les autres.
Elle est atteinte de TDI et possède donc une deuxième personnalité avec qui elle discute quotidiennement. Cependant cette seconde personnalité peut prendre parfois son contrôle pendant de courtes périodes qu’elle appelle ses « crises ».
Dans ces moment-là, cette seconde Avril devient violente et cherche à dominer tout le monde. La vrai Avril ne peut plus contrôler son corps mais elle peut toujours essayer de raisonner cette seconde personnalité. C’est aussi pendant ces « crises » qu’elle peut utiliser son pouvoir.
Lorsqu’elle reprend le contrôle, Avril ne se souvient plus de ce qu’il s’est passé lors de sa crise et essaye souvent de comprendre ce qu’il s’est passé par les marques de violence que sa seconde personnalité a pu laisser.

Δ Sanctions : (laissez le champ libre pour le PNJ)

Shitsuko Avril
Messages : 104

Carnet de Santé
Shitsuko Avril
Mer 1 Juin - 23:50
Re: ~ Ordonnance d'Avril ~


Δ Nom/Prénom
And it is even harder to look up from this loneliness, to see how everyone else is surrounded by packs of people, and then you wonder, what you did, why it is you have gone wrong. Sometimes, the loneliness is so terrifying all you can do is rush from one party to another, anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.

Δ Nom/Prénom
And it is even harder to look up from this loneliness, to see how everyone else is surrounded by packs of people, and then you wonder, what you did, why it is you have gone wrong. Sometimes, the loneliness is so terrifying all you can do is rush from one party to another, anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.


Δ Nom/Prénom
And it is even harder to look up from this loneliness, to see how everyone else is surrounded by packs of people, and then you wonder, what you did, why it is you have gone wrong. Sometimes, the loneliness is so terrifying all you can do is rush from one party to another, anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.

Δ Nom/Prénom
And it is even harder to look up from this loneliness, to see how everyone else is surrounded by packs of people, and then you wonder, what you did, why it is you have gone wrong. Sometimes, the loneliness is so terrifying all you can do is rush from one party to another, anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.
Δ Précision sur vos autres relations :
And it is even harder to look up from this loneliness, to see how everyone else is surrounded by packs of people, and then you wonder, what you did, why it is you have gone wrong. Sometimes, the loneliness is so terrifying all you can do is rush from one party to another, anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.

Shitsuko Avril
Messages : 104

Carnet de Santé
Shitsuko Avril
~ Ordonnance d'Avril ~
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