ordonnance de Soo Nao

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ordonnance de Soo Nao
Mer 25 Mai - 22:47
ordonnance de Soo Nao

nom, prénom Soo Nao (on dirait une marque pour un sachet de nouille...Out)
âge, date 26 ans
origine Coréenne

groupe, suivi médical
Dédoublement de personnalité. Cela a emmené son lot de médoc' : anxiolytiques, antidépresseurs inhibiteurs, neuroleptiques, et stabiliseurs d'humeur. (thymorégulateurs)  
Elle n'est pas affectée par les pouvoirs mentaux. Y'a pas vraiment d'effets secondaires, à part se faire chier.

Votre pseudo késkecé?
Date d'inscription 24/05/2016

Blabla sur vous

d'expérience y'a des gens qui m'aimaient pas trop in-rp, parce que j'écris comme ça me vient, et que chui pas toujours "scolaire" dans ma façon d'écrire : je code pas de jolies fiches avec des citations  et des images gif, et je me relis pas toujours. Hormis l'anectode qui sert à rien (c'était juste pour prévenir ceux qui pourrait rp avec moi) mon plat préféré c'est la moussaka, je joue du piano et je mets toujours mes lacets dans le fond de la chaussure.

Δ  son parcours dans l'asile


Δ Brève présentation du personnage

Oh, de prime abord, elle ne paraît pas folle.... c'est bien là le problème.
Les cinglés, on s'en méfie. On a pour habitude de voir gigoter les guignols, "blehnlah!!" s’égosillant, les mains en l'air. Peu importe que ça soit chouette d'écrire et de lire des récits remplis de malades, une fois devant la réalité d'énergumènes pas nets, on devient comme tout le monde : de sacrée fiottes.  Dans le métro, on fait mine de regarder ailleurs, et on prie : "pourvu qu'il s'approche pas de moi, la honte!"
Faut pas être gêné par la réalité les loulous, on appelle cela "l'instinct de survie".
Voilà pourquoi un fou qui paraît fou, c'est mille fois plus rassurant.

Aussi, ne vous fiez pas trop à son calme et son silence, lorsque ses doigts délicats tournent les pages d'un bouquin de plus.
Plusieurs s'y sont risqués, à rester près d'elle. L'agneau parmi les loups, une femme chétive trop vite grandi. On se dit qu'elle n'est "qu'une folle inoffensive", un petit sourire niais, et trois mots lancés à son encontre....ah, quel con vous faites. Une fois qu'elle lève son regard sur vous, putain... Votre politesse coule au fond d'un puits sans corde.  
Sa tête se penche. Elle ouvre ses yeux en grand....trop, menaçant, plop!, de les faire sauter de leur orbite. Déjà qu'elle n'est pas canon, avec ses cheveux gras, plus noir que les latrines d'un cancéreux. Mais là on touche à un grand cru, le millésime des cinglées. Une face hâve, aux globes oculaires injectés de sang, et juste à ce moment, maintenant, sa lèvre inférieure qui se retrousse par dessus une rangée de dents trop dévoilées.

Inutile d''ignorer son visage dorénavant, vous risquez de l'imaginer encore au fond de votre lit une fois la lumière éteinte.
Comme deux faces d'une belle pièce de monnaie, vous vous êtes fait entuber. Tu pourras rien acheter avec, duchenouille.

Que faire ? Si vous fuyez, est-ce qu'elle va se transformer en démon et vous bouffer ? Nan, vous déconnez à peine, cette fille n'est pas nette.

Avant même de vous décider, voilà que son expression prend de l'élan, s'envole jusqu'à votre mémoire pour ne rester qu'un méchant souvenir. Ses prunelles s’éteignent, et au milieu de la cohue qui règne dans le salon de l'asile  elle vous oublie, replonge calmement dans son livre...et tourne une page.

Δ Sanctions : (laissez le champ libre pour le PNJ)


Mer 25 Mai - 22:48
Re: ordonnance de Soo Nao

Δ Nom/Prénom
And it is even harder to look up from this loneliness, to see how everyone else is surrounded by packs of people, and then you wonder, what you did, why it is you have gone wrong. Sometimes, the loneliness is so terrifying all you can do is rush from one party to another, anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.

Δ Nom/Prénom
And it is even harder to look up from this loneliness, to see how everyone else is surrounded by packs of people, and then you wonder, what you did, why it is you have gone wrong. Sometimes, the loneliness is so terrifying all you can do is rush from one party to another, anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.

Δ Nom/Prénom
And it is even harder to look up from this loneliness, to see how everyone else is surrounded by packs of people, and then you wonder, what you did, why it is you have gone wrong. Sometimes, the loneliness is so terrifying all you can do is rush from one party to another, anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.

Δ Nom/Prénom
And it is even harder to look up from this loneliness, to see how everyone else is surrounded by packs of people, and then you wonder, what you did, why it is you have gone wrong. Sometimes, the loneliness is so terrifying all you can do is rush from one party to another, anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.
Δ Précision sur vos autres relations :
And it is even harder to look up from this loneliness, to see how everyone else is surrounded by packs of people, and then you wonder, what you did, why it is you have gone wrong. Sometimes, the loneliness is so terrifying all you can do is rush from one party to another, anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.

Mer 25 Mai - 22:48
Re: ordonnance de Soo Nao

Nom & Prénom

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groupe, suivi médical
si votre personnage doit prendre des médicaments ou autres, c'est ici qu'il faut le mettre.

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Δ Liens Recherchés
And it is even harder to look up from this loneliness, to see how everyone else is surrounded by packs of people, and then you wonder, what you did, why it is you have gone wrong. Sometimes, the loneliness is so terrifying all you can do is rush from one party to another, anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.Sometimes, the loneliness is so terrifying all you can do is rush from one party to another, anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties.Too much noise for conversation.Sometimes, the loneliness is so terrifying all you can do is rush from one party to another, anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.

Δ Caractère Recherché
And it is even harder to look up from this loneliness, to see how everyone else is surrounded by packs of people, and then you wonder, what you did, why it is you have gone wrong. Sometimes, the loneliness is so terrifying all you can do is rush from one party to another, anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.And it is even harder to look up from this loneliness, to see how everyone else is surrounded by packs of people, and then you wonder, what you did, why it is you have gone wrong. Sometimes, the loneliness is so terrifying all you can do is rush from one party to another, anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.
And it is even harder to look up from this loneliness, to see how everyone else is surrounded by packs of people, and then you wonder, what you did, why it is you have gone wrong. Sometimes, the loneliness is so terrifying all you can do is rush from one party to another, anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.

Re: ordonnance de Soo Nao

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ordonnance de Soo Nao
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