Ordonnance de Psyche ~

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Ordonnance de Psyche ~
Ven 22 Avr - 0:09
Ordonnance de Psyche ~

nom, prénom Bowers Psyche
âge, date 19 ans | 19 Août
origine Anglaise

groupe, suivi médical
Patient de l'aile B.
Evidemment, il y a des médicaments à prendre, mais il fait de son mieux pour ne pas y toucher. Il en a pris pendant un long moment et ça n'a rien changé donc sachant que ça sert à rien en général, il n'y a aucune raison à ce qu'on le force.
Bien sûr, il y a aussi les fameux rendez-vous chez le psychiatre, mais ça rentre par une oreille pour en sortir de l'autre.
Contrôle de la chaleur:

Votre pseudo Tsuki ou Junie, comme vous voulez \o/
Date d'inscription 8/07/2015

Blabla sur vous
Par rapport à l'an dernier, je suis largement plus disponible Puisque j'ai perdu mon travail, mais c'est pas grave XD
Je suis une fan d'animes, de mangas et de jeux-vidéo ** Je vais lister quelques-uns de mes favoris pour éviter que ce soit un pavé pour pas grand-chose :
Animes > Gintama – Bungou Stray Dogs (qui est mon coup de cœur de cette saison) – Magi – Dragon Ball
Mangas > On va mettre Magi et Gintama à part XD Donc il y a Noragami – Saint Seiya The Lost Canvas et One Punch Man
Jeux vidéo > Mario et ses copains et les Zelda **

Sinon, je suis une personne plutôt timide, mais je pense être gentille et un peu drôle / bête, mais il faut bien rire dans la vie ! Et je suis Gémeaux, j'aime bien le préciser parce qu'Aspros et Deuteros -qui sont les chevaliers d'or des Gémeaux dans le Saint Seiya The Lost Canvas- sont tellement classes que je veux être comme eux ** (Pardon, je suis une fangirl).

Votre expérience dans le rpg
Ça fait 5 ans, 6 à la fin de cette année, si je ne dis pas de bêtise... J'ai commencé en même temps qu'Alaya et on a beaucoup de mal à se séparer ♥
Je n'ai pas un niveau fabuleux, on me dit souvent que j'écris comme je parle, mais j'essaie de faire des efforts ! Puis, grâce à ça, je fais largement moins de fautes donc je suis contente et ça m'amuse, c'est le plus important !
J'essaie de toucher à tous les sujets pour apprendre / découvrir et savoir ce qui me convient vraiment. C'est pour ça que je suis venue sur EoS, je n'avais pas encore testé les asiles avec ce genre de personnages et j'ai hâte de faire plus de jeux pour savoir comment vont évoluer les choses **
Je joue quasi tout le temps des mecs, j'accroche peu les filles à cause d'une autre plateforme qui m'a dégoûtée (On pouvait jouer plusieurs personnages dans un même truc, mais dès qu'on avait des hommes, tout le monde allait les voir et délaissait les filles que je voulais tant jouer). Et je me sens plus forte dans la peau d'un homme, ne me demandez pas pourquoi (Et je pense que si on m'avait laissé le choix, j'aurais choisi d'être un homme XD) Bon allez, j'arrête de dire des choses étranges !

Δ  son parcours dans l'asile
And it is even harder to look up from this loneliness, to see how everyone else is surrounded by packs of people, and then you wonder, what you did, why it is you have gone wrong. Sometimes, the loneliness is so terrifying all you can do is rush from one party to another, anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.

Δ Brève présentation du personnage
And it is even harder to look up from this loneliness, to see how everyone else is surrounded by packs of people, and then you wonder, what you did, why it is you have gone wrong. Sometimes, the loneliness is so terrifying all you can do is rush from one party to another, anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.

Δ Sanctions : (laissez le champ libre pour le PNJ)
And it is even harder to look up from this loneliness, to see how everyone else is surrounded by packs of people, and then you wonder, what you did, why it is you have gone wrong. Sometimes, the loneliness is so terrifying all you can do is rush from one party to another, anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.And it is even harder to look up from this loneliness, to see how everyone else is surrounded by packs of people, and then you wonder, what you did, why it is you have gone wrong. Sometimes, the loneliness is so terrifying all you can do is rush from one party to another, anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.

Dernière édition par Psyche Bowers le Ven 22 Avr - 2:04, édité 3 fois
Psyche Bowers
Messages : 36

Carnet de Santé
Psyche Bowers
Ven 22 Avr - 0:30
Re: Ordonnance de Psyche ~

Δ Alaya Bowers ♥
En cours.

Δ Nom/Prénom
And it is even harder to look up from this loneliness, to see how everyone else is surrounded by packs of people, and then you wonder, what you did, why it is you have gone wrong. Sometimes, the loneliness is so terrifying all you can do is rush from one party to another, anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.

Δ Nom/Prénom
And it is even harder to look up from this loneliness, to see how everyone else is surrounded by packs of people, and then you wonder, what you did, why it is you have gone wrong. Sometimes, the loneliness is so terrifying all you can do is rush from one party to another, anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.

Δ Nom/Prénom
And it is even harder to look up from this loneliness, to see how everyone else is surrounded by packs of people, and then you wonder, what you did, why it is you have gone wrong. Sometimes, the loneliness is so terrifying all you can do is rush from one party to another, anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.
Δ Précision sur vos autres relations :
And it is even harder to look up from this loneliness, to see how everyone else is surrounded by packs of people, and then you wonder, what you did, why it is you have gone wrong. Sometimes, the loneliness is so terrifying all you can do is rush from one party to another, anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.anxious to meet more and more people, so that when the sky falls down, at least someone will know it fell down on you. Paradoxically, when you rush from party to party, you become lonelier than ever. You can not meet people at parties. Too much noise for conversation.

Psyche Bowers
Messages : 36

Carnet de Santé
Psyche Bowers
Dim 22 Mai - 19:30
Re: Ordonnance de Psyche ~

Coucou mon mignon. Toi et moi il faudra qu'on ait un lien, ton perso est beaucoup trop bien pour que je passe à côté !

Re: Ordonnance de Psyche ~

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Ordonnance de Psyche ~
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